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代表財源廣進,帶在身上財運亨通 Represents abundant financial resources and bring prosperity to you.

辟邪,招祥納吉 象徵勇氣、強壯,莊嚴和英勇Wards away evil spirits and attracts good luck. Symbolizes courage, strength, dignity, and bravery.

龍在歷史上代表神聖,吉祥,和權威 是前進向上無所畏懼的象徵The dragon has historically represented holiness, auspiciousness, and authority. It is a symbol of moving forward without fear.

又名蒼龍,代表祥瑞吉祥和權威 Also known as Canglong, it represents auspiciousness, luck, and authority.

代表聰明和敏捷 考試高分名列前茅Represents intelligence and agility. Promotes high test scores and ranks among the best.

荷花清雅高貴, 鯉魚代表連年有餘 帶來美好生活,喜悅富足The lotus is elegant and noble, and the carp represents continuous prosperity year after year. Together, they bring a better life, joy, and abundance.

吉祥之獸 帶來歡樂,好運,可以避邪,鎮宅,化太歲,促姻緣 A lucky beast that brings joy and good luck, wards off evil spirits, protects the home, turns misfortune into fortune, and promotes marriage.