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About Jadeite

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In Chinese culture, jadeite is considered the most highly prized gemstone. It came to be highly favored  by the  emperors of the Qing Dynasty. It is a symbol of power, status and wealth. The beautiful and vivid green jadeite was called 'fei-ts’ui' because it resembles the brilliant green plumage of the kingfisher. From that time onward, Chinese people and others from all over the world love jadeite.


However, jadeite must be differentiated from nephrite even though they may look similar in appearance. They consist of different silicate minerals, structure, origin, age and translucency.  Jadeite is made from a harder material measuring 6.5 to 7 on the Moh’s scale and is far more valuable than nephrite.

When purchasing jadeite, quality is determined by the degree of translucency, color and purity of its texture.

  • Color is measured by saturation, brilliance, evenness and purity of the stone.

  • Transluncency is the degree to which light can penetrate the stone.

  • Texture refers to the varieties, size and type of the crystal structures within the gemstone.


Typically, the most highly valued jadeite has the most intense green color, translucency and extremely fine texture. While the most popular color for jadeite remains a rich green, Lavender and Icy White jadeite are  very rare and commands a high price too. Unlike other gemstones that are sold by carat weight, jadeite is often sold by the piece.


In late 1980s, artificial treatment of jadeite became very rampant. In order to identify the type of treatments, jadeite dealers came up with a solution. They would use the word Type A, B or C to denote the type of jadeite.

Type A Jadeite

Type A jadeite are 100% natural and pure. No artificial colors or other polymers are added to the gemstone.  Jadeite gemstones are also rarer and more valuable than nephrite (a lower quality stone that is similar in appearance but is not the same as jadeite). 


These natural jadeite colors include green, yellow, red, white, purple and black. Jadeite gemstones with the purest texture and highest translucence are worth more than diamonds.


Margaretti only presents to you high quality, Type A jadeite in every jewelry piece.


Type B and C Jadeite

Type B jadeite involves bleaching and adding artificial polymers into the stone. Strong chemical treatment loosens the texture of the stone and additional polymer will decrease its durability. After a few years, the added colors fade away.


Type C stones are purely artificially colored and brittle. These stones will not last for long.



Margaretti only sells natural Type A jadeite.

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